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Hello! The toys you give your child should not only be safe and entertaining… they should also be appropriate for his age and stage of development. It's not beneficial that the toy is too simple for his age nor is it good to give a toy that is too advanced for his stage of development. The appropriate things and toys you should give babies and children to help their brain development from birth until they turn 1 year old are what we will discuss in this video. … This video just aims to provide additional knowledge. It does not intend to replace the consultation, examination, diagnosis, and treatment of a doctor. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR about your child’s condition. Hello! Welcome to Doktora Pedia! Besides being safe, good toys for young children need to match their stage of development and emerging skills. Play during the first year of life involves exploration. Babies discover and learn about the things around them. Is the object hard or soft? Smooth or rough? And their play often involves putting things in their mouths, shaking things, hitting things, and dropping things.

As we discuss toys for children of different ages, keep in mind that each child develops at his or her own pace. Thus, toys listed for children of a particular age can be used for younger or older children, depending on their abilities. Here are toys suitable for children. A. Toys for young babies (newborn babies up to 6-months old) 1. Babies 6 months of age or younger enjoy looking at people….

and they follow people with their eyes. They often prefer to look at faces and objects with bright colors. Thus, good toys for them are things they can look at….such as a. HANGING OBJECTS with bright colors… such as crib mobiles. Pictures of faces may also be hung for the baby to see. Because your baby's vision is still blurry, things should be hung low so your baby can see them. These will stimulate your baby's vision… and help develop his attention span.

This means your baby will learn how to pay attention to objects for longer periods of time. However, make sure that the hanging objects are firmly tied and that your baby won’t be able to reach them when he starts to reach for things. It will be dangerous if he pulls the object together with the string because the string can accidentally go around his neck and strangle him. b. An UNBREAKEABLE, BABY MIRROR is also a good toy for your baby… so your baby can see his own face. At first, he won’t know that he is seeing himself…

But in the long run, he will realize that the face he sees in the mirror is himself. He will therefore be more self-aware and he will learn about the parts of his face and body. 2. Babies 6 months or younger can lift their heads and can turn their heads toward sounds. Thus, good baby toys include things that your baby can listen to, such as RECORDINGS of LULLABIES and SIMPLE SONGS that can be played…. as well as BOOKS THAT MAKE SOUNDS … such as nursery rhymes and poems.

These will stimulate his hearing… and help him learn your language. Babies at this age can put things in their mouths. Later, they may also be reaching for things. And they learn and enjoy what their hands and feet can do. Thus, good toys for them are things they can reach, hold, suck, shake, and use to make sounds. Good toys for babies include the following: a. RATTLES b. BIG RINGS …. like those in a ring stack.. but for now, he will just hold them and put them in his mouth. Later, he can shoot the rings onto the cone. c. TEETHING TOYS d. SOFT DOLLS e. SQUEEZE TOYS f. BALLS with different textures, and g. BOOKS… the soft ones first, which your baby can crumple. A good toy for your baby is one that has MANY DIFFERENT TEXTURES and MATERIALS and HAS MANY DIFFERENT THINGS that your BABY CAN DO….

a toy that your baby can squeeze, suck, and he can shake to make a sound. These stimulate his muscles, and his different senses… sight, hearing, touch, taste (because he puts the toys in his mouth), and smell… and he also learns about cause and effect….or what the effects of his actions are. B. Toys for older babies— aged 7 to 12 months Older babies, aged 7 months to 12 months, enjoy moving around.

Their development normally progresses from rolling over, which usually happens before they are 6 months old, followed by sitting, bouncing, and crawling. Then, they can pull-up to stand… they hold on to something, then they pull themselves up to stand up. And eventually, they can stand on their own… they don't need to hold on to something to stand. 1. Good toys for your baby at this age are things that will allow him to use his muscles and develop his motor skills or movement skills…such as a. BIG BALLS, b. SMALL BALLS…which he can hit together, throw, and chase c. TOYS that are PUSHED or PULLED, and…d. LOW and SOFT THINGS to crawl on 2. Things that can be used to build or construct things are also good for your baby, such as SOFT, LARGE BLOCKS and WOODEN CUBES. They develop the coordination of his hand and eyes or what is called hand-eye coordination.

3. Babies at this age already know their name and understand some common words. They can also learn parts of their body. So good toys for your baby are PUPPETS and DOLLS, which can also be used for pretend play. Other good toys for pretend play are a. PLASTIC and WOODEN VEHICLES with WHEELS, and….b. WATER TOYS Pretend play helps your baby develop his imagination… as well as his logical thinking and his problem-solving skills. Babies at this age already have the concept of object permanence or the concept that an object still exists and does not disappear even if it can no longer be seen. So, he can now look for hidden objects and put things in and out of containers. Thus, good toys for your baby are things that can be taken out and put inside a container and things that can be dropped. These toys also teach him the concept of cause and effect…. or the concept that his actions lead to certain effects. These include toys such as a. BALL b. PLASTIC BOWLS c. LARGE BEADS d. and NESTING TOYS… These are the toys that can be bought as a set… made of objects with increasing sizes so you can fit them inside each other.

4. Toys that are given to younger babies can still be given to them… such as a. CDs or DVDs for playing NURSERY RHYMES and SIMPLE SONGS b. books… but aside from soft books, you may give your baby BOARD BOOKS … or books with thick cardboard pages so that your baby can't tear them easily. c. TOYS and BOOKS that MAKE SOUND These will continue to develop his hearing, and he will continue to learn your language. d. the RINGS he used to play with… now, he can start shooting onto the cone…

which, apart from contributing to his muscle development, will also develop his hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. Reminder: It is very important that toys given to children are safe. Toys must be well-made … no sharp parts or small detachable parts. If it is painted, it must be painted with nontoxic, lead-free paint. Toys must be unbreakable and easy to clean. When choosing toys for children younger than 3 years old, make sure that there are no small parts or pieces that can enter the child's throat and block his airway, thereby preventing him from breathing. It is important to remember that a once safe toy, in the long run, can become damaged and potentially be dangerous. So, you should always examine old toys to make sure they are still in good condition. Links for other videos are in the Description of this video..

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