DESCENDANTS 2 Assistant Hunts for Mal and Evie Toys

– Family members fun for every person. Oh no, Uma recorded Evie and Mal. We reached go discover them! – [Mr. Designer] That'' s best Aide, we ' ve obtained to go discover them along this abandoned river, right? – Right. – [Mr. Designer] Alright, let'' s see if you can find them. -First we have to stroll on the edges due to the mud. – [Mr. Engineer] That'' s. right, Aide, so, hi whose dress are you wearing? – Evie'' s.- [Mr. Designer] Evie ' s. from Offspring, right? -Right. -[ Mr. Engineer] Okay so we ' ve reached go– -Offspring 2. -[ Mr. Designer] Offspring 2. We ' ve reached have the ability to wind our way down this entire riverbed, right? – Right. – [Mr. Engineer] And.
climb all these rocks and try to discover Evie– – And Mal, and possibly Uma.

– [Mr. Designer] I think.
Uma captured them, right? – Right, and we reached locate them. – [Mr. Designer] And.
we'' ve obtained to locate them. They could be anywhere in right here. – Yeah, I believe we can.
leap down below, as well. – [Mr. Designer] I listened to.
that Uma used an unique spell to try to capture them in trees. – Yeah, wait, trees? – [Mr. Designer] They'' re growing.
inside the roots, I heard. – [Aide] Actually? – [Mr. Engineer] Yeah, oh.
child, I hope we can locate them. Alright, allowed'' s go.- Okay, this means, hop, jump rocks. -[ Mr.'Engineer] You ' re climbing up over all these rocks, right?- [Aide] Right.- [Mr. Designer] So we ' ve. reached locate Evie and Mal and after that care for Uma.
– Yeah, huh, I wonder. which means we should go. -[ Mr. Engineer
] I believe we. just maintain following the river.- [Assistant] Okay. Hm, I assume this is a great rock. -[ Mr. Designer] Okay, do you see them?- [Assistant] No.
– [Mr. Engineer] Like I said,. I heard that they were in the roots of a tree. So here ' s a tree, not in those origins.( upbeat music) Hmm, what regarding these origins over right here? Do you see Evie or Mal entraped in them?- [Aide] No.
– [Mr. Engineer] So let ' s. see, you put on ' t see them? I wear ' t see them in those trees either. -[ Aide'] Maintain going.- [Mr. Engineer] Yeah, allow ' s maintain going. So Assistant, you ' ve gone a long a method.- Whew yeah.- [Mr. Engineer]. Okay, so let ' s see, they ' ve reached be about right here someplace. You ' ve not located either of them yet. -Let ' s keep going. – [Mr. Designer] Wait a. minute, over there throughout, what do you see? – [Assistant] It ' s Mal! -[ Mr. Engineer] Mal, really?- [Assistant] Really. – [Mr. Engineer] Oh.
look, she ' s been captured in the roots of the tree. -[ Assistant] Much like you claimed. -[ Mr. Engineer] Wow, I. can ' t think Uma did that. – [Aide] I ' ve got her. -[ Mr. Engineer] Way. to release her,'Assistant. – [Aide] Yay, so, whoa. -[ Mr.'Designer] So let ' s. stroll over right here a little. Let ' s see that Uma doll, alright? No, that ' s not Uma. -It ' s Mal.- [Mr. Designer] Mal. Wow, so allow ' s consider it, genuine fast. So it ' s obtained her knapsack, right?'- Right, right here.- [Mr. Engineer'] So she ' s got purple hair, much like the'Aide.- [Aide] I don ' t have purple hair.
– [Mr. Designer] You wear ' t. have purple hair and appearance, oh look, she ' s obtained a glove on one hand and she ' s obtained brownish eyes and she ' s got her knapsack on, right? -Right.- [Mr. Engineer] And you.
can place

points in there too. -Yeah and additionally one of the excellent things is her belt is a bracelet.- [Mr. Engineer] Oh actually? Perhaps you need to utilize that,.
maybe that will certainly help you search for Uma.- Uma. -[ Mr. Designer] Reason. you ' re going to need unique powers to defeat Uma, right?- Can you hold her genuine. fast, while I put this on?- Yeah. -Okay
.-'[ Mr. Designer] So the Aide ' s. placing on the bracelet, however we still have to discover,. that do'we still have to locate? Evie–

– Evie and Uma. -[ Mr. Designer] Then. we'' ve
obtained to locate Uma and placed her in her place, right? – Right. -[ Mr. Designer] Alright, so you ' ve got on the arm band, right?- Yep. -[ Mr. Designer] Right there it is. Alright, so we ' ve got. to keep finding them. So, who are we looking for now?- Evie.- [Mr. Engineer] Evie, that ' s right, alright. She might be anywhere. – [Aide] Anywhere, whoop.
– [Mr. Engineer] So you ' ve Mal ' s bracelet and now you ' re looking for Evie. Do you believe she ' s obtained something that she can give you to assist.

fight Uma, or defeat Uma?- I don ' t know. -[ Mr. Designer] Hmm, why not. her unique ring that she has?- [Aide] Yeah.- [Mr. Designer] Wait a. min, appearance, what ' s that?- It appears like Evie ' s purse. -[ Mr. Designer] It is Evie ' s handbag. She must have'left that as a hint, right?- To discover us. -[ Mr. Engineer] That ' s appropriate to discover her. Hmm, alright, so allow ' s look actual very closely and see if we can discover her, all right?- [Aide] Okay. – [Mr. Engineer] So there ' s. some origins over here. Allow'' s evaluate below. Oh look, it ' s like a little opening, hmm.Well Assistant, you take care. -[ Assistant] Got ya. Absolutely nothing in there. – [Mr. Designer] Nothing in there. She ' s obtained to be around right here someplace. Where could Uma have placed her? -[ Assistant] Hmm.
– [Mr. Designer] Allow ' s see. (significant music )- [Aide] Perhaps we. need to go across to this side. – [Mr. Designer] Wait a minute. -[ Assistant] Look! – [Mr. Designer] Is that her, right there?- [Aide] I believe it is. Uh, I can ' t obtain up. -[ Mr. Engineer
] She. buried her in one more tree. – Whew. -[ Mr. Designer] Wow.-'We located her. -[ Mr. Engineer] So. currently, that is that once more?- Evie. -[.

Mr. Engineer] You saved Evie. Now we need her ring to go. with Mal ' s bracelet, right?- Right. Where ' s her ring?- [Mr. Designer] Uma. should'have actually taken the ring.- To rule it, to rule the globe.- [Mr. Designer] Oh boy, we. reached discover Uma now, don'' t we? -Yeah. -[ Mr.'Engineer] So we ' ve obtained to discover Uma. So we ' ve found Evie and Mal, alright, let ' s see if we can find Uma. I like Evie, reveal me Evie genuine quick.
Oh and here ' s her purse too.We can provide her her purse back. -Yeah, you shed all your cash Evie.
– [Mr. Engineer]( laughs). We ' ll find her money, I wear ' t assume she went down anything. So there ' s Evie and she ' s obtained blue hair, and a blue layer, and look.

she ' s also obtained a little– -I can ' t placed … – [Mr. Engineer] She ' s also obtained a little, what ' s that little thing in her hair? It ' s like a little … – Where?- [Mr. Engineer] In her hair,. she ' s got like a little–'- This? -[ Mr. Designer] Yeah, like. a little hairpin, right?- Oh, I can ' t tell you the entire flick, however if these individuals at. home place ' t seen it, I think that ' s among the girl who, she ' s make stuff for Evie. -[ Mr. Engineer] Oh truly?- Actually. -[ Mr. Designer] And I enthusiast her, do you like her blue. boots that she ' s wearing? – [Aide] Yeah.
– [Mr. Designer] Alright,. so we ' ve got Evie and Mal. Currently we ' ve reached locate Uma, right? -Right.
– [Mr. Engineer] Alright.- I think her bag goes like–'- [Mr. Engineer] Okay, we need to place her handbag on her, right?-
Right.- [Mr. Engineer] Alright. Aide, you lead the means. -Okay, so I think we go forward. – [Mr. Engineer] Onward.- [Aide] Ho! -[ Mr. Engineer] Well let ' s. see if we can discover Uma. -[ Assistant] Ahead ho! -[ Mr. Designer] Uma, where is Uma?- Hey, it type of makes sense. that she concealed them in the river because she ' s a pirate, Ursula ' s little girl. – [Mr. Engineer] You ' re right,. this is most likely a river where pirate concealed prizes, right? -[ Assistant] Right.- [Mr. Engineer]

Hm, so she most likely knows everything about this old river. There could also
be gold. within it, right? – [Assistant] Yeah. There ' s not any kind of there. – [Mr. Designer] Hm, well we reached— [Aide] I wonder if. she concealed herself inside. -[ Mr. Engineer] Yeah and you understand what, we ' ve obtained to discover Evie ' s call as well, right, cause Uma stole it.- Right. -[ Mr. Designer] Well. that can be anywhere.'- [Assistant] And we much better. watch out for …- [Mr. Designer] Sure do. -The ring, right here. Absolutely nothing.
I think I can make it over from there. -[ Mr. Engineer] Okay, show me. Excellent task, good job Assistant.
( dramatic songs)'- Hello There Mr. Engineer. – [Mr. Designer] Hi.
– Nice seeing you here. -[ Mr. Designer] (laughs).
I recognize, isn ' t this enjoyable. Alright, well allow ' s maintain going. You ' re doing a terrific work navigating all these really sharp rocks. -Sticks, we have to have footwear on.- [Mr. Engineer] You do,. you ' re wearing special shoes. Alright, well let ' s go. – [Aide] Woo.- [Mr. Designer'] Whoa,. beware, don ' t autumn.- Hey, what ' s that? – [Mr. Designer] I don ' t. know, what do you see?- It resembles a slug. -[ Mr. Engineer] Oh, perhaps. it is, maybe it ' s a hint. It is a slug. – [Aide] Hmm.- [Mr. Designer] Hmm, cool. Alright, allowed ' s keep looking. for Uma and Evie ' s ring.- [Assistant] Okay. Whoa. -[ Mr. Designer] Whoa, be cautious. – Okay. Don ' t see anything. -[ Mr. Engineer]

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Hmm.- I ' ll maintain looking.
– [Mr. Designer] Aide. you practically kicked something, what was that you nearly kicked?- I put on ' t— [Mr. Designer] Right here. -Look it ' s Evie ' s ring.
– [Mr. Designer] You
discovered Evie ' s ring.- Yay, wait hang on, I reached place it on.
Whoa.- [Mr. Designer] So let me see that. So you found Evie ' s ring, right?- Right, Evie we found your missing out on ring.- [Mr. Engineer] We found her ring and now we just got to locate Uma.I think with the two, you could. probably defeat her, right?- [Assistant] Right. Maintain going. -[ Mr. Engineer] We reached. maintain dropping this river. -[ Aide] Hmm, what. out for the thorns. – [Mr. Designer] Oh. yeah, it ' s like briars, thorns, everywhere. Huh, that appears like. something Uma would certainly do, right? -Right, what, I think.
we may need to go back.- [Mr. Engineer] No, we ' ve come too much to go back Aide. -No, I
just, because I can ' t make clear.
– [Mr. Designer] Oh no,.
she made it truly challenging. Hmm, maybe we should,. allow ' s see individuals in the house— [Aide] Jump, jump,. hop, I believe we can make it.- [Mr. Designer] Wait a minute Assistant, perhaps you can go the other way. -Wait, what? Oh. -[ Mr. Engineer] So let ' s keep going by doing this Assistant. So what you might do is. you might put your foot, you might hold that root,'. right there above your head, and after that placed a foot on that.- Which root, this set? – [Mr. Engineer] Nope,.
the one even more out, and afterwards you place your foot. on that rock right there. Yeah simply like that. Okay Assistant, let ' s attempt. to obtain over there, alright?- [Assistant] Okay.- [Mr. Engineer
] You take care. Whoa, keep a hold, I hope she. doesn ' t fall in that river. Excellent job, Aide, wow you made it. Another challenge, right below. -[ Aide] One more barrier.( significant music) -[ Mr. Engineer] You can do it, Assistant. Be careful, people are home or any place, you got to have moms and dad ' s approval prior to you go out to a location. similar to this, right Assistant
?- Right. – [

Mr. Designer] Whoa,. that ' s some excellent climbing.- Many thanks.( significant songs) -[ Mr. Engineer] Whoa. – [Aide] Whew, I made it. -[ Mr. Engineer] Aide,. look who ' s right there.'Is that Uma? – [Aide] What should I do?'- [Mr. Engineer] What do you imply? Utilize your arm band,
hold it up to her and see if you can remove all her power.
( thunder clapping) Maintain going Assistant. (thunder clapping )Excellent Work, I think you took. all of her power away. -Whew, that was fun. – [Mr. Designer] Okay, so look, you were able to find Evie and Mal and you were able to quit Uma, right? -Right, this was fun. – [. Mr. Engineer] And. you got Evie ' s bracelet, no Mal ' s bracelet and Evie ' s ring. So let ' s check out those once more. – [Mr. Designer] That ' s. like jewelry you can wear. So look, right there is. the ring and the arm band, and in between both it. let ' s you beat Uma.- [Aide] Yeah, allow ' s take Uma off.- [Mr. Engineer] Yeah she. similar to, distributing there in the top of that tree branch, right? She ' s like, hello there, it ' s my bridge. – Perhaps that ' s her sign.- [Mr. Designer] Maybe so. Okay people in your home, if you. want to view one more enjoyable video with the Assistant in 10. -Nine. -Eight.- Seven.- [Mr. Designer] Six, five.- Four.- [Mr. Designer] Make certain you sign up for The Design Family members.-'Right and I wish you have a fantastic day. – [Mr. Designer] 3.'- Oh, wear ' t neglect to subsribe.- 2.- Two. One, below ' s our next video clip, bye. I better locate my back. – [Mr. Designer] That ' s an excellent concept. (metallic beeping)- Welcome to my brand-new ft, everyone. -[ Mr. Designer] Well, what sort of tree home is this Aide? – It ' s hard.- [Mr. Engineer] It ' s inside of a tree. Whoa check out that. – [Aide] It ' s a Tarzan. -[ Mr. Engineer] It ' s a Tarzan tree, look. Whoa, the Assistant ' s means up there. – [Assistant] Yep.- [Mr. Engineer] Whoa,.
Aide, can you come down? Show me all over your ft, all right?- [Aide] Okay. – [Mr. Designer]

And you. said there ' s a Tarzan creeping plants?- Almost everywhere.- [Mr. Engineer] Wow. So allow ' s see if we can discover the Assistant. Where did she go? Oh there she is. – Here I am. -Simply come on out. Hey, wait a minute. Look, there ' s a creeping plant. Can you climb that creeping plant? – Where, here? (engines barking)- [Mr. Designer] Whoa, check out that creeping plant. Show them just how you can. climb it a little. It ' s like a Tarzan vine. She can climb it. And this is an actual tree, isn ' t it? – [Aide] Yep.
– [Mr. Engineer] Hey,'let ' s go show them the remainder of our awesome tree fort, all right? Oh boy, I shed the Aide. Where did the Assistant go? – I ' m right here.- [Mr. Engineer] There she is. Hey show me the secret passage.- [Assistant] Okay.- [Mr. Designer] Wow, so this is exactly how you can conceal From Captain Hook, isn ' t it, or from any type of'of the crooks? – [Assistant] Yeah it ' s concealed. -[ Mr. Designer
] Whoa.

– [Aide] Maybe I could. climb from right here.- [Mr. Engineer] That ' s exactly how. you reach your search, right? Is climbing this tree, right here, right into the search perch. -[ Assistant] Yep.- [Mr. Engineer] Wow, hello,.
where did the Aide go now? Let ' s see if we can locate. her in the tree house. Assistant, Assistant. Where did she, there she is.
She found another secret area,. that she ' s climbing up into. -[ Aide] Yes, I.
– [Mr. Designer] Completely. up onto another

hunt branch. -[ Assistant] So, climbing up, whoa. -[ Mr. Designer] This.
is called a banyan tree, appropriate Assistant? -[ Assistant'] Right.- [Mr. Engineer] And what. occurs are the roots in fact come down from the branches and afterwards when they touch the. ground, they come to be origins.
– [Aide] Yes, they do.- [Mr. Engineer] So these are origins, that are trying ahead. out and touch the ground. Take care Aide. -[ Assistant] I am. -[ Mr. Engineer] Aide. are you stuck in there? – [Aide] Yeah.
– [Mr. Engineer] Oh no,. it ' s like you ' re behind bars. Can you get out?- Yeah.- [Mr. Designer] Are you. stuck inside your ft? Oh, good task, oh, you ' re still stuck. Whew, she made it out, excellent job.- [Assistant] At the very least I made it. – [Mr. Designer] Climbing. up this right here tree fort. So where are we at, we ' re. still inside the tree, right? – [Assistant] Yep, currently we need to go up. So let ' s rise. -[ Mr. Engineer] You ' re. going to go up it? – [Aide] Yep, we ' re going to do it. -[

Mr. Engineer] Whoa, now.
this is an actual tree, isn ' t it?- Yep, yes, yes it is. -[ Mr. Designer] Wow. Look it, there ' s like a little fort up in the tree, isn ' t there?- [Assistant] Yep.- [Mr. Designer] Right there.- [Aide] Yes, there'is.
– [Mr. Engineer] Look. assistant at just how high you are up in this tree. -Yes, it ' s outstanding. -[ Mr. Engineer] Whoa,. consider our large view, method down there. Whoa, Aide, it ' s. like a huge ft, isn ' t it? Like Swiss Family Members Robinson.

– Yeah, yes.- [Mr. Designer] Wow.'and look, there ' s creeping plants that you could climb up like Tarzan. -[ Aide] Yeah, but that. is a little bit hazardous. -[ Mr. Designer] Maybe, couldn ' t it? Allow ' s check out more of your fort and see you turn on some vines, all right?- Okay. -[ Mr. Engineer] Assistant, can you reveal us more around your ft? – Yes-er-roo -[ Mr. Engineer] Yes-er-roo. Well, there ' s a vine, are. you mosting likely to turn on'it?- [Aide] Yep, yep. That didn ' t swing long. Maybe this.- [Mr. Designer] Whoa. So amazing. -[ Assistant] Trendy. -[ Mr. Designer] Wow, look,. there ' s secret concealing spots.Look, Assistant, there ' s like. a little tunnel with here. Here ' s the Assistant. turning on
a vine, whoa.- [Assistant] I ' m going. to try it a various method. Hang on. – [Mr. Engineer] That wasn ' t moving. – [Assistant] So, right here. – [Mr. Engineer] Super cool. Wait a minute appearance, there ' s. another secret hiding area in your tree fort. – [Aide] Oh, wow.
– [Mr. Designer] Wow.- It ' s so large, I don ' t think.

I ' ve seen all of it yet. -[ Mr. Engineer] Look. and it goes all the way, hey you might possibly. sit, method up there, right? So look, Assistant there ' s a large search up there also, isn ' t there?- Yeah I can probably go up there, like from over here. – [Mr. Engineer] You could.
most likely climb up there and after that this way, it ' s. like your very own search, like Paw Patrol,
right'? -[ Assistant] Right. Okay, beginning to climb.- [Mr. Designer] Hey. Assistant where you at?- Right up below. -[ Mr. Designer] Look you ' re in the lookout component of the tree, method up there. -Yes I am.- [Mr. Designer] Wow, hi there. what ' s your preferred part of this super awesome tree home?- My preferred component was climbing.- [Mr. Designer] Climbing, huh? – Yep. -[ Mr. Designer] That was a great deal of enjoyable and did you like swinging on those creeping plants?- Yeah.

– [Mr. Engineer] Much like that?- Tarzan. -[ Mr. Designer] Tarzan, the. king (imitates Tarzan phone call). The Assistant, Tarzan, hello so.
there ' s great deals of trendy points, hey down here, what does it state to do?- Subscribe below to the Engineering Family members and I hope you similar to this video clip,. much like the various other ones. – [Mr. Engineer] We actually. hope that you similar to this video. You can follow us on Twitter and facebook and what was our secret punctuation word? – It is going to be, tree residence.
– [Mr. Engineer] Tree. house, T-R-E-E H-O-U-S-E, spells, – Tree residence. – [Mr. Engineer] Tree residence. Hey look at the creeping plant that ' s. right over your head. Wow, rather. – I want to get down, yet.
that could be dangerous. – [Mr. Designer] That could be harmful. Alright everyone, have a fantastic day, bye.
– Bye, see you next time on. The Engineering Family members, bye. – [Mr. Designer] Buh-bye. Hey there every person, many thanks. for watching our video. Currently make certain that you sign up for The Engineering Household, so you'. can see great deals of amazing video clips. As a matter of fact, there ' s another. great video, right there, that you can choose and enjoy it. I believe you ' re really going to like it. Is it Group Umizoomi, Paw. Patrol, shock eggs, Frozen, Blaze, Masha? There are a lot of video clips to view, bye. (positive songs).

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