Forgotten 80s Sci Fi Toys #1

in this episode we will be talking about some 
forgotten 80s science fiction toys so stick around [Music]   hello fellow dorks and dorkettes and welcome 
to plastic ghosts my name is Rob and in this   episode we'll be talking about forgotten 
80s science fiction toys now yeah I took   everything that is space related but 
not robot related or sword and sorcery   related and jam them together in the Sci-Fi 
category and I mean we're talking about the   80s and they really loved bending different 
genres and sticking them together so I kind   of sifted through everything and this is 
what I ended up with so if there's any   questions about you know what I have on this 
list or any of the ones I have planned for   the future just hit me up in the comments but 
anyway enough of that let's get to number one foreign number one is just a beautiful 
mess of borrowed pieces from other toy   lines cobbled together to create something 
that really needs to be seen to be believed   these are the nebular Warlords 
released by Chang Ching toys in 1985.   okay the first thing that I will talk about is 
what I see as the crowning achievement of this toy   and that is each one of the action figures comes 
with a motorized mechanical speed for the figures   to ride on in theory I mean everything 
from robotic Lions to rhinoceroses and   they're motorized battery operated action of small 
rubber Wheels in its base I doubt the actual legs   have movement because that would require a lot 
that as you'll see this toy line doesn't seem   capable of producing and I don't mean to speak 
ill of any toy as I've said in the past but   like I said they have cobbled together different 
aspects of other toy lines to achieve some of   these figures now the nebular Warlords had 
two different styles of action figures one   I don't see how can ride these little motorized 
steeds because the figures are like twice the size   non-posable from what I can see and they're 
made from that like cheap balloon plastic you   know the hollow stuff that you know 
just doesn't really hold up [Music] I mean these action figures in the line are 
yeah I mean they're pretty cool they're you   know that space Warrior fantasy-esque type 
design now the second action figure that   was being offered in this toy line are the ones 
that I was mentioning that happened to be cobbled   together from you know various parts of other 
toy lines two toy lines in particular sectors and   starriers yeah they have sector heads jammed on 
top of starrier bodies now I don't know from what   I've seen if the bodies still have the wind-up 
functionality that the original starrier toys had   but it just looks so freaking 
weird to see this humanoid   insect our head just jammed on this you know 
chunky robot body and with those chunky robot   bodies they aren't posable either to be riding 
on the motorized you know Mechanical Animals   that they come with the pictures on the box 
show them riding them and I think that is   highly improbable with the action figures that 
they're offering neither of them have posable legs   and I mean some of the starier legs did move 
but that's just you know up and down and I   mean I guess they could ride you know like a 
like Frankenstein on the thing but yeah this   is just a really weird yet very interesting toy 
line I would love to learn more about it but   yeah the info I could find is very scarce maybe 
when we do our toy hunt we'll you know uncover   some nuggets about this toy line on eBay if 
any of them are actually being offered that is   the slim and none in my opinion but I'm 
really interested to see what we uncover   and what these things could actually 
be going for in the collector's Market   but anyway I can't really elaborate too 
much other than just how weird these are   get how awesome in my opinion but weird they are 
and I can't really add anything else I mean like   I said I can't really find any breadcrumbs 
online about these toys at all but yeah they   just seemed cool enough to look at and talk 
about so yeah anyway let's get to number two number two is again another weird one I must have 
been in a weird mood when I put this list together   because these are toys that don't really scream 
sci-fi other than the packaging that they were in   these are the Space Rangers released by 
Imperial in 1986.

Now the Space Rangers   look like your typical run-of-the-mill cowboy 
fully clothed posable action figure and I mean   I don't know how to classify these because this 
was like one of those toys that I would stumble   upon in flea markets and stuff growing up I mean 
I think they were like you know like the old marks   action figures that were released back in the day 
you know cowboys Pirates things like that that   you know they had removable clothing and hats and 
holsters and guns and they were pretty cool only   this time Imperial decided to give it a Sci-Fi 
spin by putting it in sci-fi inspired Packaging   now at this time bravestar had you know come 
onto the scene and I guess there was a thought   that you know Space Age Cowboys will be all the 
rage oh and Galaxy Rangers can't forget that   beautiful great cartoon but anyway yeah Imperial 
just kind of took some of their old figures slash   Dolls laying around put them in this new packaging 
and said they're in space there is nothing wrong   with that but at least give them a ray gun of 
some sort or a laser Blaster they still have   their normal six shooters and cowboy boots and 
hats and that's about it I mean space helmets or   make the clothes silver I don't know somehow 
sci-fi it up but they didn't and again   no idea really anything about this toy line 
because other than you know one or two listings I   can't find any other information about it and like 
our first uh entry on this list I'm really curious   to see you know if eBay offers any nuggets about 
it and if collectors are clamoring for something   like this even if it exists at all but yeah 
I mean I give it it's due I mean it's [Music] our next toy comes from our friends over at 
sungold who is a very popular manufacturer on   these lists well once you hear the name of these 
toys you may question my categorizing ability but   hear me out the toy is called MX robots but they 
don't look like robots at all you can see their   faces inside you know EXO armor so that's why I 
am putting them in sci-fi toys and not robot toys   even though the name would lead you to believe 
that they are robots and maybe they are in Sun   Gold's mind but not mine anyway MX robots were 
released by Sun gold in 1983 but these figures   actually look kinda cool they either have humanoid 
or alien faces you know behind this awesome armor   and I just think they look like fun toys and 
there's some pretty imaginative characters so let   me grab my phone and I'll give a rundown on their 
names and what they look like because I don't know   if I'll be able to find pictures for each and 
every one of them or have available real estate   to post them so let me grab my phone and we have 
the human Captain tolma the human Colonel Stan   first name or last name I'm not sure but Stan's 
cool in my book we have Master bolt that is a   blue-skinned alien we have space ant that is 
a green insect alien we have spoiler that is   a eye patch wearing gray skinned alien and 
we have X7 that is kind of a fuchsia burgundy   type of character alien character and one of the 
things when you take this armored cow piece off   the molds to the heads are very similar 
to other toy lines Sun gold put out so   in typical Sun gold fashion they are repurposing 
their molds for new and inventive toy lines and   I say inventive because I am a big fan as I've 
pointed out in the past of you know armor pieces   that go onto characters and now these don't have 
a Masters of the Universe build to them they are   something completely different they're a little 
bit taller more erect looking and like the dude   spoiler actually has like a cybernetic you know 
Blaster arm so that's cool so I have to say sun   gold actually did a good job with these figures 
these are ones that I would have loved to have   as a kid and I wouldn't mind having them in my 
collection today and yeah I'm really interested   to see where they are on eBay if they are even 
on eBay like a lot of the other ones on this list   and I'm really interested in that hunt so yeah 
tune back in in a couple days when we go for the   hunt and we'll see what the fate of MX robots 
is nowadays and yeah are they just cashing in   on popularity by calling them robots when they 
are you know just dudes in suits that's cool this is Earth Force released by Pace in 1985. 
there were three figures in total and they are   very brightly colored which I love very you know 
comic bookie in appearance and each one of these   basic action figures came with gear that snapped 
on them and made them ready for Space Adventures   now the only real problem with these figures 
was that they lacked any character of Their Own   each one was named Explorer team flight team and 
Sky Team I mean they're just members of specific   teams and I guess you could troop build on them 
and have many members of the team I don't know but   like I said I really like these and my favorite 
is actually the flight team guy I just the colors   popped to me he has really neat accessories a 
helmet a chest plate and boots and different   guns and a shield I mean these just look like 
fun basic action figures and from what I can   see in some of the pictures that still have 
price tags attached to them they sold for   about three dollars a piece and unfortunately 
I don't remember seeing these at all as a kid   but I would have loved to have them and I 
just assumed that they're probably Masters   of the Universe scaled and they would have been 
really neat additions to your you know He-Man   play time in your living room I mean they could 
be different alien friends Invaders you know new   faction altogether that has come to Eternia 
or vice versa He-Man goes to you know Earth   to hang out with Earth force or what have 
you I mean they just look like just a   fun playtime experience and yeah I would 
have really liked these when I was a kid our last toy is one that I find so interesting 
Innovative and exciting and it had a play feature   that included one of my most favorite things 
as a kid and heck something I love still to   this day glue sticks yes something as simple 
as little you know snap and Shake glow sticks   went into these action figures and they were 
Lords of Light by Pack toys released in 1984.   now something about these figures reminds me of 
the micronauts type of figure and that's probably   because of the Die Cast joint structure and the 
translucent bodies but with those translucent   bodies that's where you jam the little glow 
stick and these dudes would light up that's   taking it a step further than glow in the dark 
albeit it has a limited lifespan but who cares   it's super awesome but Pack toys was smart enough 
to release refill packs but anyway there are four   characters in total and if I had to venture a 
guess all four of them are bad they just look   bad I mean they look awesome but they look like 
bad guys in the big scheme of things you had Lord   dementia that is some purple big-headed 
alien dude you had this awesome like red   you know dragon-headed dude that had wings you had 
two different you know bug type of guys one with   wings one without and they're all awesome and like 
I said they're very reminiscent of the microman   toys and all their different offshoots and I 
think that's awesome I mean they probably fit   to that you know scale of toy I think I mean 
I'm not 100 sure I haven't seen one of these   in real life or next to another action figure 
to get a true sense of their scale but they   look very posable in the arms and legs and 
you know like I said they're big standout   feature was you know translucent chests that you 
would Jam these little you know glow sticks into   I just I mean I see these and boom the childlike 
imagination that I still hold on to just I can   see so much fun you know night time playing in 
my dark living room with different action figure   lines all coming together to battle these Lords 
of light or the Lords of light being the good guys   however I want to spin it because just because 
you're monstrous looking doesn't mean you're   automatically bad I mean these could be good guys 
I mean they're Lords of light that kind of says   they're good guys but they kind of don't 
look like good guy I don't know it's a big   a big enigma wrapped into a fortune 
cookie inside of a puzzle box   I don't know but they look like fun and that's 
all I need to know okay folks this was our first   plastic Ghosts episode talking about forgotten 
science fiction toys of the 1980s and there are   plenty more because science fiction has always 
been a very popular toy genre I mean it has   reached back for many many many many many many 
many many decades because ever since the first   books and comic strips and radio shows and movies 
and serials and you know there's always been toys   to go along with that be it different you know 
spaceships ray guns helmets what have you science   fiction has been around forever in the toy world 
and I'm sure it'll go on for many many many more   decades from now so it's very exciting to finally 
jump into these forgotten sci-fi toys of the 80s   and I can't wait to do more and I'm excited to 
jump into our eBay hunt to see if any of these   still have a presence in the world today I really 
hope so because some of them look really awesome   and I really hope they have a reasonable price 
tag because I would like to add some of them to   my collection thank you so much for stopping by 
the laundry room and checking out these forgotten   80s sci-fi toys and come back in a few days where 
we go on a little virtual hunting shopping trip to   see if any of these toys have you know lasted 
through the test of time and have a presence   online at all like I said a lot of them 
didn't offer that much of a bread Trail   to follow so yeah I'm really shooting in the 
dark and just going on what limited you know   exposure they do have and a lot of them I'm liking 
what I see and I'm really excited to see if you   know they're out there for a reasonable price but 
anyway thank you so much for watching if you like   this episode please give me a thumbs up if you 
got something to say please leave a comment I   love reading them and I love getting back to 
everybody and if you're new around here and   you enjoyed this or any of the episodes that 
YouTube is recommending down here somewhere   please hit subscribe and you can hit that 
little bell icon you will be notified whenever   there's a new episode so anyway until 
next time keep being rad and stay dorky

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